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PQIC Status Updates

Updated: May 21, 2021

This page contains the latest Potomac Quantum Innovation Center (PQIC) program updates. Please subscribe through the PQIC landing page to receive periodic updates or to contact us. Last updated May 21, 2021.


Highlights & Milestones

  • Secured approval from the COVID-19 Strategic Renewal Task Force to establish PQIC as a means to accelerate quantum ecosystem development in the DMV

  • Established working relationships with regional universities, non-profits and associations, industry, FFRDCs, and international efforts in Canada and The Netherlands

--Executed a collaboration agreement to further align operations, programming, and collective regional efforts between PQIC and the Mid-Atlantic Quantum Alliance (MQA)

--Executed a collaboration agreement with QED-C: joining QED-C working groups; welcomed QED-C to PQIC Steering Committee and Working Groups

  • Developed PQIC program framework with five functional pillars: Education & Workforce, Research & Development, Market Acceleration, Policy & Standards, Funding & Marketing

  • Primary development focus on PQIC functional pillars: Education & Workforce, Policy & Standards, and Funding & Marketing

  • Held first Steering Committee meeting on April 9th (see announcement here including short video explaining the second quantum revolution by Nobel Laureate Dr. William Phillips; see full 12-minute video from Dr. Phillips here)

  • Held Quantum for Life Sciences (Q4LS) Workshop co-hosted with the Maryland Tech Council on May 13th

Progress Updates

Education & Workforce

  • Held five Education & Workforce Working Group meetings and a dozen sub-group meetings

  • Developing a quantum skills directory with inputs from QED-C and other organizations

  • Designing a regional K12 quantum curriculum and experiential learning program with Fairfax County Public Schools and other regional school districts

  • Developing a quantum foundational skills and experiential learning credentialing program with Credly

  • Conducting an inventory of regional and virtual quantum education and training programs and capabilities

  • Developing primer materials on quantum technology domains, use cases, and engagement opportunities

Research & Development

  • Developing the PQIC Research & Development framework

  • Formalizing the operational construct for the DMV Quantum "Blue Moat" Shared Infrastructure with foundational partners including GMU, UMD, Howard University, and The MITRE Corporation

Market Acceleration

  • PQIC seated as an advisory board member of the newly launched Quantum Startup Foundry (QSF) at UMD

  • Continuing to increase engagement with quantum startups

Policy & Standards

Funding & Marketing

  • Exploring launch of an annual quantum event series with Destination DC and other regional partners

  • Developing outreach to regional elected officials and key stakeholders to raise awareness of regional quantum ecosystem development

  • Executing strategic joint regional funding pursuits with partners


  • Developing new PQIC brand, logo, and website

  • Developing closer coordination with the Mid-Atlantic Quantum Alliance (MQA) on regional operations and programs


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